Best Natural Health Remedies for Digestion

The best natural health remedies for digestion are so important.

It is said that our stomach or digestive system is liken to another brain. When our digestive system is out of “whack” it is certainly hard to do anything.

When we are young we don’t really think of our stomach until we get a stomach ache but when we get older we begin to feel the effects of negligence in our stomachs when problems arise.

Stuff like diverticulitis (perforations in the intestine), peptic ulcers, leaky gut, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and other intestinal problems.

So I say take care of your stomach early and it will take care of you!

So it is suggested just like a anything else we should clean out our system out and in this case our digestive system because over time, all that food in your gut gets attached to the walls of your intestines and builds up. This needs to be removed at the least 1 time a year. A person should get their digestive and colon cleansed. Here’s a suggestion for this;

Once again what you eat and exercise is very important!! CAN’T STRESS THIS ENOUGH!


I would like to suggest this item to help your stomach stay healthy throughout the year after your cleanse;


Another suggestion for your gut is to learn what NATURAL plants growing around you can be used to aid in the process of healing your digestive system.

Education is important! Ignorance is not bliss, it’s dangerous!

So with that being said I want to hip you to 2 plants that help with your digestive system; Marshmallow root plant and Slippery Elm Bark tree and both are awesome and are some of the best natural health remedies for digestion

The Marshmallow Plant

Slippery Elm Tree

The Marshmallow plant is edible from the stalk to the peddles and the root can be used as a tea. Among helping with the digestive system this plant has other uses.

The Slippery Elm Tree’s bark is what is used to help with stomach issues.

So this next suggestion I believe will help in your education with some of the best natural health remedies; CLICK THE IMAGE and pick up a copy of this fabulous book!